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Open 7 Days A Week 9am to 9pm

Recharge, Rehydrate, and Revitalize

Whether you’re recovering from a night out, fighting off jet lag, or simply looking to boost your energy, our IV hydration treatments deliver the essential vitamins, minerals, and fluids your body needs directly into your bloodstream for instant results.

Select "Hydration Bar" from the dropdown

Why Choose IV Hydration?

  • Rapid rehydration and nutrient absorption
  • Boost energy, mood, and immune system
  • Alleviate hangovers, headaches, and fatigue
  • Support athletic recovery and wellness goals

Energy Boosting Cocktail

Great for increasing energy, wellness and rehydration. 1000mL of Normal Saline, and dose of B-Complex & B12.

Myers' Cocktail

Features 6 of our highest-impact Vitamins, Minerals & Antioxidants. This can help with skin health and your weight loss regimen.1000mL of Normal Saline with Vitamins B-12, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Calcium & Magnesium

Recovery Cocktail

This premium package is good for rapid rehydration, hangovers, cyclic vomiting syndrome, food poisoning, migraines and more. 1000mL of Normal Saline with Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, B-Complex, Vitamin C, B12, Zofran for Nausea and Toradol for pain.

IV Cocktails

The Straight Up

When you just need fluids for hydration. The Straight Up is 1000mL of Normal Saline.

Weight Loss Cocktail

Our weight loss cocktail is complete with vitamins and nutrients that can target fat, jump-start your metabolism, and help your body function better, thus enhancing your weight loss routines.1000mL of Saline with Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, B-Complex, Vitamin C, B12, and a weight loss shot of MIC+.

Beauty Cocktail

Designed to promote healthy hair and nail growth, while also fighting oxidative stress caused by free radicals to give your skin a youthful glow. 1000mL of Normal Saline with Magnesium, Calcium, B12, B-Complex, Vitamin C and an IM Injection of Anti-aging Glutathione.



When you need a quick energizing shot; great for a quick pick me up. 1000mcg of B12


MIC + Lipo C injections are made up of three separate lipotropic agents - methionine, inositol, and choline - that work together to promote healthy fat and weight loss. By improving the body's overall fat-burning abilities, these injections can help you achieve your weight loss goals


All of the great benefits of our Lipo C injections plus 1000mg of energizing vitamin B12. This shot works by boosting energy, improving the body's overall fat-burning abilities, these injections can help you achieve your weight loss goals


Glutathione clears toxins and free radicles that lead to hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, sun spots, age spots, melasma, and acne

Lipoic Acid

Lipoic Acid Reverses skin aging by restoring elasticity, radiance and smooth texture. Promotes normal thyroid levels and can even mitigate the effects of hormone-induced weight gain

satisfied Patients

IV Therapy, where wellness meets convenience

Book an appointment today and feel your best, fast!
Contact us to learn more or schedule your next session.

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